lien caché
lien caché
These are WordPress Archive pages for a site that was launched a couple of weeks ago. These pages were fine until this morning (or perhaps yesterday when the site was updated by the newspaper staff). This morning they found that the loop output was displaying at the top of the page, and then the desired output followed.
Right now I am using CSS to hide the extraneous loop output at the top:
.archive > .container-fluid {
display: none;
There are two <div class=container-fluid> immediately after the opening <body>, representing the two items in my Layout.
Since these archive pages appeared to work normally throughout development, and in the first 10-11 days after launch, I'm not sure what might have caused the loop output to start showing twice. Maybe a staff member (with Editor access, none of them are Administrator) clicked on something they shouldn't have? If so I'll want to restrict their access. But I'm not sure that's what happened.
Under what circumstances would loop output appear at the top of the page? If I can permanently correct this, rather than just applying CSS, that would be preferable. Thank you for your help!
Hi, let's try a few troubleshooting steps first.
- Check the Layout used to display these archives. Be sure it's the Layout you intended for use here (someone could have switched this inadvertently). Then be sure there is only one archive cell, and no extra Views added to the Layout.
- Temporarily switch to the parent Astra theme, deactivate all plugins except Types, Views and Layouts, and test again. If you want to activate a Maintenance Mode plugin during testing that's fine.
- If the problem was resolved, reactivate your child theme and other plugins one by one until the problem returns.
- If the problem was not resolved, please take screenshots of the Layout used to display Obituary archives so I can see how it's set up. Include that screenshot in your next reply.
Thanks for your help. It ended up being a plugin conflict. Interestingly, it is the "Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg" by Brainstorm Force (the creators of the Astra theme) that is causing the issue. I had installed it on Monday morning for the client for a seemingly unrelated purpose on a different page.
I found Astra because it was said to be integrated with Toolset. And it's worked great. But I guess this plugin isn't completely integrated with Toolset. I will open up a support ticket with them to see if they can offer some guidance. And in the meantime I'll just keep using that CSS so that these archive pages look OK, while the other page that this plugin is now dependent upon can also still work properly.
Thanks again as always for your prompt and accurate assistance.
I'm not familiar with that particular plugin, and a quick search of the forum shows no relevant tickets so I'm not aware of any known conflicts. Feel free to reopen this ticket or start a separate support ticket here as well so we can further investigate the Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg compatibility issue. The resolution may require collaboration with their development team.