Dear Sir/Madam,
I use the latest Toolset Starter Theme, I think it is using the Awesome Font 4.4.0, I want to have some icon which is 4.5.0, may I know how I can use the 4.5.0 instead?
Best regards,
Hi, we realize we're a bit behind on Font Awesome versions and our developers are shooting to add an update to version 4.7 in the next release of our Types core plugin. Unfortunately I do not have a release date for the next version, so the best way to keep tabs on the upcoming releases is by subscribing to our blog.
Dear Christian Cox,
Thanks for your reply. Do you have hook to replace the version from 4.4 to 4.5, so that I can use it immediately? I assume Toolset only call it by adding <link ....> or <script src=......>
Best regards,
Actually it's not quite that simple because references to the font files are also embedded in our own stylesheets. So you could dequeue the Font Awesome stylesheets but you would still have references to the outdated font files in other stylesheets. If the missing icon is essential and you can't work around the issue, you can use the following code to dequeue / enqueue the proper stylesheet:
add_action('init', 'font_awesome_4_5_func', 11);
function font_awesome_4_5_func(){
wp_deregister_style( 'font-awesome' );
wp_register_style( 'font-awesome', '//', array(), '4.5.0' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'font-awesome' );
Then you can search through all the CSS files and replace any reference to 4.4.0 font files. Note that updates to the Toolset Starter Theme will overwrite any modifications you make to the code.
Hi, just a quick "FYI" update to let you know that support for Font Awesome 5 is now available! You can find the configurations in Toolset > Settings > General tab.