i have a CPT with a repeating picture field "bilder". When i fill some pictures in the CPT and save it. It will be lost after a short time. - Only the first picture is be saved and will not deleted.
I tested this locally and found it worked as normal, and if you say the repeating image fields are initially saved and lost some time later that corroborates this.
Assuming that you are not unknowingly deleting the fields while sleep-walking, some action must be triggering it.
To understand what I really need something more to go on to see if we can reproduce it.
Perhaps you could install an activity logger such as https://wordpress.org/plugins/aryo-activity-log/ which records everything on your site. Check regularly for when a post loses its repeating fields, and then we can inspect the activity log for clues.
Let me know when it has happened, and what the log continues prior to it happening.
I could get site credentials from you, but at the moment there is nothing for me to do except wait until you see that the extra image fields have been lost so that we can check the activity log.
I'll mark your next reply as private now so that you can provide credentials when you come back with something to report.
It remove on one point all pictures vom post_meta table all images from an CPT of types. All other fields and pictures running fine but something like this will be removed. (50398, 2130, 'wpcf-bilderobjekt', 'hidden link'),
only the first image of the repeating field exists after i lost all second, thirds, fourth, fifth, etc. pictures from the CPTs.
I installed the activity log and the user when it was changed but i cant find the problem..