I am trying to: build pages with Beaver Builder. The Toolset database is set up.
I create content with BB. However it does not display on the front end. The issue only started recently. I tried to change the layout on the right hand side of the page to no layout but still have the same issue.
I spent two hours creating a test page the other day but the BB content disappears. There is a blank page. The template keeps defaulting to template for pages. I change it to no layout and my content in BB disappears.
I'm beginning to lose the will.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link .
I expected to see:
The data from the BB page builder.
Instead, I got:
A blank screen under the page heading.
It will not let me upload screenshots which I have on Word documents.
I visited your site and see that the page you linked to uses the Template Layout "Template for Pages", but this template is empty, there is a row with no cells. Hence any page that uses this template will be blank.
I unassigned this layout from the page, and now when I view the page on the front end I see the content.
As the template is empty you should edit it and use the "Change how this layout is used" button to un-assign it from all pages.
Note that if you are using Beaver Builder (a page builder), it is not advised to use Layouts (a page builder), and, in particular, inserting Beaver Builder content into a Layout is not supported. The intended integration of Beaver Builder and Toolset is that you can use Beaver Builder to design Views Content Templates.