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[Resolved] Frustrated and stuck :(

This support ticket is created 8 years, 1 month ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by Beda 8 years ago.

Assisted by: Beda.


OK I have a custom post type made
I added like 6 fields to it Youth sports player first name last name birthdate, insurance number, USA sports number.
I added 1 taxonomy which is birth year
I have entered a dozen players no problem.
I built a parent/child relationship between another post type for the coaches.
I was able to assign players to coaches
I built a cred form to add player on the front end and it works. I added another 30 players through that.

Now it starts to fall apart.

The edit cred form gives me this error after looking at all kinds of guides and tutorials who knows how messed up I have it now."Edit form link can not be displayed (post type mismatch)." I even worked of the forums and thought I did what they said a few times to no avail.

The next thing is this view/filter I am trying to make.

Lets say I have 50 players
All I want to do is list all 50 players in a grid with all their fields. (filter and output on the same page.
I hoped for more but I cant even get the player with all 6 fields with the ability to sort by whatever field I chose including the taxonomy.

I have like 4 birth years in the taxonomy. I wanted to be able to select just one of maybe 2 of the birth years on the front end and get my results. Maybe I am dumb but over the past week all I get is a blank screen on filter view I make. I am frustrated to the point of giving up. Is it super difficult to get someone to help me understand whats wrong and how it should look for this? I am pretty confident once I get one working and compare it to what I keep failing with


1. Edit form link can not be displayed (post type mismatch).

This happens when you try to display a CRED form or a CRED Link on a Post or Post View, that does not match the Post Type of the CRED form.

This means you need to head to your CRED form (edit it) and make sure, it applies to the correct Post Type.
Then, insert the CRED form or Link on a Post of this Type, or in a View, that lists this post Type.

2. The second issue is not related.
Usually, I would ask you to open a new thread with this, so we can focus on one issue a time and give better assistance.

But please first try this:

- Create a View and choose to query your Post Type "Players"

- Create Custom Searches if you need to be able to search your Content in the Front End.
This can be by Taxonomy or Fields

- Use the Loop Wizard to create a Table.
When you do that, choose "make table sortable".
Insert your Fields you want to display in the Table with the same wizard

- Now insert your View in a Page using the "Fields and Views" GUI that appears on any WordPress Editor (use a page for this)

- Now you will see your View on the page on the front end.

If you struggle with this please open a new Ticket with the Topic, I will be more then happy top help you with it.


I tried but I just do not get this part. I did get the search working thank you!

"Then, insert the CRED form or Link on a Post of this Type, or in a View, that lists this post Type."


You have to use the GUI.

In the Editor where you insert your Code, text and ShortCodes there is a Button "CRED forms".

Click on it and find the radio " Edit Post Form".

Make sure you select the correct Edit Form from the DropDown further down in that GUI pop up.

Then, you click on insert and the Link to the Form (as a shortcode) will be plotted to the WordPress editor.

That's it.

Please let me know if you need help with it, I can then login and set up a example of this for you.


That is exactly how I added the shortcode in the page. I tried it again and it comes up with post type mismatch still. Add player works fine.

This is really not my biggest thing though. I know I am in over my head a bit here but I really need to figure this out.

I have a custom post type called players. It has all the player info in it. The players are created by their parents who have a full WordPress account. I am tying the parents to their (kids) players by the author field. A parent can have as many as 5 kids which are all represented by their own custom post. I am able to create a search now by the different fields and taxonomy to get lists of players that match what we want.

I have your woo commerce module that I hoped to leverage for this next step.

In a simple explanation I am trying to have a list of products/classes that are available 3 times a year. Maybe a half a dozen. I need the WordPress account holder to select a product that fits what they want their player to sign up for. Any time from selecting the product to finishing paying for it in the checkout I need them to be able to do one of 2 things. #1 Select which of the custom post players they are purchasing the product for (player will have already been created and has a custom post that exists) It will always be only 1 player per checkout instance. #2 create a new custom post player they are purchasing the product for. After they finish the checkout process then I need a way to pull a view from my players custom posts that will list the players that have purchased a specific product.

I am not even going to explain the different ways I have been trying to accomplish this. You might laugh 🙂 It would be perfect if this could also somehow keep a history of all the products the parents bought for the children over the years they are part pf the club.

I am totally open to how this is approached. I do not know how to code so a way without writing any code would be preferred. I really hope you can help I have been trying to get this going for a while. lol


Well, this is slightly out of the topic of this ticket, being this the issue with the CRED form not properly diplaying

Please try to split your goal into smaller tasks and then ask our assistance in "on topic" tickets.

Then this will also help others to find and follow the solutions.

For the issue with CRED; I see it is still not solved?

I would need to request temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) to your site
- preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible -
in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed

Your next answer will be private which means only you and I have access to it.

❌ Please backup your database and website ❌

✙ I would, if possible, need access to a site where only a minimal set of Plugins and a default theme is active.
This to avoid eventual compatibility issues with other software.

✙ I would additionally need your permission to de- and re-activate Plugins and the Theme, and to change configurations on the site.
This is also a reason the backup is really important

✙ Please add the Links to:

- The Page/Post where you insert the CRED Form (or want it inserted)

- The corresponding Front End Page/Screen

- The CRED Edit Screen

I will then set up an example for you.


I sent everything asked for. Will you have time to help soon?


I elaborated, that CRED Edit Forms, must be displayed on the Post Type you edit.

But your CRED form is still on a PAGE, not your Post type you want to edit.

You have a Post Type "player".

Please insert the CRED form, or the Link to it, in a Post of Type "Player", or in a view that displays those Posts of type "Player".

This will work.

I will not do changes in that site given it's a production site.

But above steps will work.
Just insert the Form in a Post of type "Player" and it willd display.
You can assign a Content template to those Posts so you have to do that only once for all Posts.
You can insert the Link as well in a View that Diplays "Players"

Regarding the goal with WooCommerce, our Tutorials elaborate how to create or edit (deal with) products becasue this is what WooCommerce Adds to your System.

To add the payment you need to use CRED Commerce and add payment to the Form with which you create or edit your Player Posts.

You will be able to choose what Product to connect with this player.
This is how you will charge your Custmers when submitting the form.

It is elaborated here:

We also have a CRED Commerce API that could help you, in case you need more advanced Application Logics.

Please let me know if after inserting the Form to the Correct Post Type, it works?


Ok so lets say I make a cred form for the post type. You saying insert the short code so I see the form where the data can be created. Then I just stick a second short code in that page? Or do I actually put it in the initial cred form that creates the info?


You do not add CRED Forms into CRED forms.
This is not allowed nor possible. It's a HTML restriction.

A CRED form will either display as a Link or as a Form.

I do not know what form you want to add below the first.

If this is a new issue, please open a new Ticket.

This thread here is about Create and Edit Forms, and not abut the WooCommerce Integration.

I elaborated above how to set up Create and Edit forms, is this working now?

If now, please let me know.

This ticket is now closed. If you're a Toolset client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.