There are lots of use cases where more than one photo is needed and it would be nice to have an easy way to create a slider as a way to display those images. Your reverence sites are good examples.
hidden link - It would be nice to have the option to display images in a slideshow instead of in a lightbox.
hidden link - Most people will want to display more then one image of each car.
The solution you linked to is an older one (of mine), and there is now an easier way to create a slider from the fields on an image without having to use any custom code.
The implementation of repeatable groups of fields introduced in Types 3.0 involves creating hidden child posts for each group instance to hold the fields.
So instead of repeating image fields (which adds multiple post meta with the same key to the post), you could create a group of repeatable fields that contain an image field and, maybe, a caption text field, and add multiple images (+ captions).
You then create a slider View as described in the linked document, where the content selection is your repeatable field group, and where you include a Query Filter to specify which post they belong to (e.g. the post where the View is inserted).
Regarding using (simple) repeating image fields as the source for the Elementor Slider module... you would need to request that from Elementor. We don't have any input on their modules, we are responsible only for the Views and Forms widgets.
My understanding is that the founders of Toolset worked with Drupal in the past. It would be great to have what Drupal offers where you can setup a slider display format and then apply that display to your field or in Drupal Views where you can easily create a slideshow using Views slideshow and then change the format to the slideshow format in Views.
In searching the support forum, I find a lot of tickets having to do with slideshows. It seems that Toolset spends a lot of time answering questions related to this topic. I'm just saying, if a simple but flexible easy to use solution was developed your support providers would save a lot of time. It may take time to develop, but in the end it would save you time. Not that the option above is undo-able, it just doesn't seem as straightforward as I'm use to.
Thanks again for your help. I hope you'll consider adding an easy to use slider to the roadmap of Toolset.
I'm not sure where Drupal came into this, but, in any case, we have a feature request for easily adding sliders from repeating image fields, and I am adding your voice to that request.