I'm kind of surprised I haven't comeup against something like this with WordPress before now, but I just can't seem to find a simple solution to what seems like a simple problem. I'm building a very straightforward site for a football club. The only information they will very regularly be updating is the most recent results, and the forthcoming matches for each of their teams, and I need the form for them to do this to be super easy to find, so not under appearance > widgets, or anything like that. The ideal solution would be to create a widget for it, and then to have that widget display on the dashboard, but I don't have the skills to do this, and it's just one piece of data, so a custom post type doesn't really make sense either. Is this something that CRED could be used for? Or have I overlooked a simple solution? Thanks!
Actually having thought it was way beyond me I have somehow ended up cobbling a plugin together that has an editable interface in a dashboard widget, and then displays the results in a standard widget in the theme. It would still be great to know if there was a simpler way to do this in future using Toolset, or at least one that didn't involve me coding, but if not, no worries as the problem is solved, thanks.