Divi 4 includes significant changes that affect Toolset compatibility, but our developer resources are currently focused on Toolset, and we don't have any time scheduled currently to update the Divi compatibility layer. For now that means sticking to Divi version 3.
When the current block-editor work goes to production—hopefully in a matter of weeks—we should be in a position to re-assess the development priorities. With that in mind, I would suggest submitting a request to add compatibility for Divi 4, so that the product manager is aware of the demand at that time: https://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset/
If you are having problems while still using Divi 3 can I get more details about how you inserted the View? How is the output of the View designed? If you insert the same View into a standard page not built with Divi, does it work?
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