Hello, I created a breadcrumbs for my product in categories and I want to have a link to its category inside. I tried to use the this:
<ol class="breadcrumb">
[wpv-post-taxonomy type="pc" format="name"]
<li class="active">[wpv-post-title]
But it displays all categories. I have my own taxonomy and I want to use only the 2nd level category, also only second level link.
And second question is how to disable the category title prefix. I tried this:
add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', function ( $title ) {
if( is_category() ) {
$title = single_cat_title( '', false );
return $title;
But doesnt work.
I am using Astra Theme. Website is under development on my IP adres. I will send you if you need it.
Toolset doesn't do BreadCrumbs, natively.
I rather suggest to use the official instructions on how to create breadcrumbs:
With the ShortCode "[wpv-post-taxonomy type="pc" format="url" id="$parent"]", you address the Taxonomy of the parent of the current WordPress native Page.
$parent is a delimiter that targets the parent of the page, as set by WordPress (not by Types parent/child relationship).
Toolset does not offer breadcrumbs, but with the above shared DOC, it is possible to achieve.
Ok. I dont want to use the Yoast. I will have my SEO as custom Fields. My website is going to be completely in Toolset. So It will have no breadcrumbs. Thanks. And the category prefixes?
The prefix is empty by default.
Are you referring to the Title you see on the Archive created with WordPress Views Archives figuring on top of the archive page?
This is not customizable with Toolset.
Toolset Archive Views apply only to the loop in that archive, just as we also only replace the_content() on single Posts.
ok. So I need to edit the Archive.php template?... I am using the archive title shortcode.
The archive Title is not added by Toolset Views.
You can remove it in the archive template of your Theme, this is correct.
Please create a child theme if you edit a Core file of your Theme.