We have been using Toolset on this site for a while with no issues. I recently updated the plugins to the latest versions and now the back end of a custom post type that I created is not showing things as they used to and the client cant add things as he once could.
So, I have created a post type called "Catamaran Listings" and within that post type I have custom fields for images added. There are three of these image fields which will allow the client to upload multiple images for each section: Catamaran Gallery Exterior, Catamaran Gallery Interior, Catamaran Gallery Layout. They are all configured the same (see screenshots attached).
This is fine, however when the client goes to add these images on the back end he cannot see the "Add New" button. I want to make the image previews smaller , so that the client can see the button but none of the CSS I have tried seems to be working.
I have attached a screenshot of what I see before I add an image and one after I have selected one image. The image seems to cover the "Add New" button so the client cant click on it.
If someone could please let me know how to either make the image previews smaller like thumbnails of the same size or to set the "add new" button above the images or below them.
From your screenshot I do see the add new button, unfortunately this has been a feature that was requested by our customers for a while now where you can upload multiple images at the same time in the repeatable image fields.
For the reduction of the image size, you can add this css to your functions.php file