Hi currently the slug creation is a pain, moreover the boxes are very small.
can I request
1 .auto slug creation
2. wider, perhaps full-width slug entry text area/box
Could you let me know to what edit section you refer?
If you mean the Child Post MetaBox, we auto-create the Slugs already.
Could you let me know - perhaps using screenshots - where you see this happen?
Hi Beda ,
for me its while editing or copying the content template.
what i meant by auto creation is when you edit the full title and leave the slug empty to auto create.
this should be by default,no ?
You mean, when you duplicate a Content Template and rename it, or, when you just rename a Content Template.
Then, the Title only, not the Slug, will be updated.
This is because the Content Template an be called by the ShortCode "wpv-post-body", which has an attribute "view_template", and that accepts only the Slug of a Content Template.
So, if you rename your Content Template and update the Slug as well, all calls to that Content Template would be broken.
This we try to avoid to happen accidentally by putting an extra step in the Slug manipulation.
Safety sometimes comes with an extra step, but I believe it is in the right place here, do you agree?
yes, agree, BUT there is duplication error to take care of the "safety" issue , no ?
When you duplicate the Content Template you give it a new name.
This is also used for the new slug.
You have not yet inserted this CT anywhere so there is no risk to break anything.
Later, you could have used the CT and hence, we avoid breaking your site by just automatically update the slug with the title.
Editing the Slug later is easy, but having it automatically updated, will break several sites, as the users will not consider this small change (they would not even notice it).
Am I missing something?
You do not need to use a Plugin to duplicate Content Templates.
You can just head to the list of Templates and duplicate them right there.
Does that help?