Problem: I am using CRED Commerce to create new Users. I would like to capture the User's first name, last name, address, and email address in the CRED User form, then pre-populate the checkout fields with that information.
Solution: This will require custom code using the CRED Commerce API cred_commerce_form_action:
Within the callback function, you will have access to anything captured by the form in the $_POST superglobal. You can use that information to construct a checkout URL with custom URL parameters, then trigger a redirect to the custom URL - something like
Then in your filter, you can access those variables from the $_GET superglobal. Here's a very simple example:
add_action('cred_commerce_form_action', 'my_commerce_form_action',10,4);
function my_commerce_form_action( $action, $form_id, $post_id, $form_data ) {
if ($form_id == 1234)
// uncomment next line to inspect the entire post object using server logs.
// error_log(print_r($_POST, true));
$first = $_POST['first_name'];
// ...
// get the 3 other parameters from the POST object and add them here
// ...
wp_redirect( '/checkout?first=' . $first); // add all 4 parameters to the URL string here
Then in your woocommerce_checkout-fields filter, you should be able to access the URL parameters in the $_GET superglobal:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'kia_checkout_field_defaults', 20 );
function kia_checkout_field_defaults( $fields ) {
$first_name = isset($_GET['first']) ? $_GET['first'] : '';
$fields['billing']['billing_first_name']['placeholder'] = 'First Name';
$fields['billing']['billing_first_name']['default'] = $first_name;
return $fields;
I'm not able to provide support for the woocommerce_checkout_fields API, because it is not part of our software. You should consult the WooCommerce documentation for more information there.
Relevant Documentation: