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Toolset Forms post expiration time is extended by one hour each time a post is updated


Reported for: Toolset Forms

Resolved in: 2.4.3


When Posts are submitted through a Toolset Form that sets a Post Expiration time, and you update those posts in the backend, each time you do so the Expiration time will be extended by one hour into the future.

This happens only if the WordPress install is not using a UTC timezone.


Either you can use a UTC time, in the general WordPress settings, or you can download this file, unzip it and replace the one with the same name in your wp-content/plugins/cred-frontend-editor/application/controllers/expiration_manager/post/ Folder.

This issue will be addressed in a future release of Toolset Forms.

8 thought on Toolset Forms post expiration time is extended by one hour each time a post is updated

    • This bug appeared first 2 years ago but was fixed in CRED 1.9. Then the bug resurfaced 6 months ago, precisely I published the erratum on Jan 22, 2019.
      I asked our developers if this can be prioritized soon, for now, you can use UTC time to resolve this issue.
      We apologize for the delay in adjustment.

    • There is a patch, in the erratum, which we recommend to use, since this might take a while to be added in the stable Forms Plugins 🙂

  • So I followed the directions on the patch, but when I tried to change the expiration date to today in 5 mins from now and then save, it changes the date to yesterday. Now what?

  • This is not related to the Bug we patched here.
    The bug patched here stops the expiration date from adding + hours each time you save the post, and that is resolved with the patch

    If you see other issues (I could not replicate those) please open a new ticket for them – we can then help resolving those.

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