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If a form contains featured image cannot insert media into post content


Reported for: Toolset Forms 2.6.2


A form which includes a field for the post content and has the Add Media button enabled won’t be able to insert media if the form also contains a featured image field.

In that case, when the media library opens the “Insert Into Post” button is disabled.


This issue has already been fixed, and the fix will be released with Forms 2.6.4.

In the meantime, a patch is available here.

Unzip the archive and copy the file public/js/media_manager.js to the same location (overwriting the existing file) within the /plugins/cred-frontend-editor/ folder.

One thought on If a form contains featured image cannot insert media into post content

  • Just letting you know that I think this issue is resolved, at least, I didn’t see it happen in today’s bug testing of Forms (related to another ticket/errata).

    Also above states it is included in 2.6.4 and current release is already 2.6.7


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